Dr. Roger,
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know what was happening in my practice since taking your Kinesiotaping seminar at the end of October in Edmonton. I was using the tape right away on the Monday and tried as many different applications that I could to see how this would really work. I was amazed (so were my patients) at the results.
I had a patient with pitting edema in the lower right leg that had been on diuretics for weeks with no results and two applications of kinesiotape he was able to put on his shoe again and stand with no pain! Chronic carpal tunnel of two years duration and a confirmed EMG study for muscle/nerve damage was corrected with 4 applications of kinesiotape over two weeks. Separated A/C joint and sprain of the SC joint was given noticeable relief and had my hockey player back on the ice in two applications. It is incredible how quickly this stuff works. That was always my frustration with athletes with acute injuries was what to do while we waited for sprains to heal. Thanks for your insight and training on this technique, it has changed my practice. Hope to talk to you again soon.
Dr. Paul D. Friesen, B.Sc., D.C.
Spruce Grove, AB
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